Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Catching up

Catch Up_

Well it is time to kick this blog into gear, starting with a new name. I hope you like “Creative Times With Sue”. I feel parts of, “Home of Creative Treasures” is a a bit to common on the Internet for my liking and wanted something that was more me.

My faithful followers will also see a new look. I hope to expand on this as the creative light bulb lights up.

Tomorrow I will be posting the long awaited tutorial for the Origami Christmas Tree wall-hangings that I made for myself and family.

Easter Softies

Also Easter has been and gone with a lot of fun making bunnies using a pattern I found at RevoluzZa for my grandchildren. I forgot to take a photo but lucky enough that my daughter did. Thank you Renae for allowing me to share this photo.

Now to start on tomorrows post…. catch you then. Red rose



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1 comment:

Vicki ♥ said...

Love your blog's new name Sue and I look forward to reading your blog again as you update it :)