Sunday, January 4, 2009

Flop Containers

Because I wanted to keep the Shopping Bag Tutorial together, showing you these Flop Containers has been delayed. Also they are gifts to my kids with homemade biscuits inside them to make a little more for their Christmas presents from me. Now they have been unwrapped, I know I am not letting any secrets out. ;)

Flop Containers

Well what a disappointment :(….. I thought I had taken photos of the gifts ready to wrap up but must have forgotten. Thankfully I did take photos at the time I had sewn the containers up.

To be a little different to what I have seen on the Internet, I decided to use a loop with button on the corners. The corners are more 'relaxed' done this way instead of using ties but I rather like it. Makes storage a little easier when packed away in a cupboard compared to the sewn up corners as well.

My problem was finding large buttons, as I don't have a store close to me and I was running out of time. The light bulb lit up during the night when I was supposed to be sleeping and the idea of using stuffed yo-yo's popped into my head. This is the result from that idea. I used a 1.2 inch (30mm) diameter yo-yo maker, as you see in the image below then decorated them with a red button.


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Unknown said...

Clever girl the button idea is great .
Clare's Craftroom

Jean said...

These are very cute. I like the button idea too. Now would be a good time to start a button collection!

Debs said...

They look great Sue and one day you will have to show me how to do them. I bet your kids loved them.

Creative Times with Sue said...

Thanks Clare, I was happy with the final result.

Jean I do have a collection of buttons but scratching around in them, I could not find the right size..... isn't it always the way! :D

Debs They are very easy to make and with your experience, it won't take you long to nut it out. You do have my phone number if you run into trouble... chuckle. Yes the kids did love them, especially the biscuits. ;)